Have you been struggling to feel motivated, like you’re losing capacity, and overwhelmed by demands from every direction?

It’s not just you, I promise.


44% of employees feel burned out


50% of workers do not feel a sense of belonging in their workplace


Weekends and days off are not enough to recover from burnout


30% of workers feel stressed more often than not


60% of workers do not feel fulfilled by the work they are doing


Burnout makes it difficult to focus and concentrate

…and the rates among people with multiple, intersecting and historically excluded identities are so much higher!

Its Time To Quench Your Burnout 4
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Be nourished by collective care.

Co-create a safer space with your cohort where you are seen and heard

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Understand burnout within the context of larger systems.

This burnout is not your fault.

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Gather and practice strategies for sustainable regrowth

Learn tools that actually work for how *your* brain and body work through 1:1 deep listening/coaching sessions.

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Develop practices and rituals for thriving.

Practice your new skills with others who are learning in a gentle and kind space as we fumble forward together

You’re invited to join Ember

Its Time To Quench Your Burnout 1

Ember is a 3-month cohort program for those who embody historically underrepresented & excluded identities:

    • Trans, nonbinary, gender expansive, gender non-conforming, any historically underrepresented gender
    • Neurodivergent
    • Disabled
    • Women
    • Palestinian, Black, Indigenous, AANHPI, and SWANA

    We invite those in roles like:

      • Organizers
      • Activists
      • Social Workers
      • Therapists
      • Leadership, Executives, C-Suites
      • Healers
      • Directors
      • Professors, Deans

    Ember includes:

      • 1-on-1 deep listening & strategy sessions,
      • Weekly collective care circles (live; virtual)
      • Quench – a process journal
      • Private online community within Mighty Networks

    Join us for a neuroinclusive, collective care, systems-trauma informed, harm reduction response to burnout.

      Expansive Expressions’ values:

        • Collective Liberation
        • Joy & Play
        • Dismantling systems of oppression
        • Accessibility
        • Neuroinclusion
        • Continually deconstructing the systems of colonizer white supremacy

      “Our meetings are such a balm to my nervous system.  Jennifer creates such a supportive, stress-reducing space and offers creative, practical solutions (plus big-picture ideas) for developing sustainable entrepreneurship and business.” – Danika

      Its Time To Quench Your Burnout 2




      You’ve been shouldering the weight of everyone’s expectations

      of decisions that impact others

      of a system that has failed you over

      and over

      and over…




      You’ve carried on

      way past empty

      way past running on fumes

      way past what you

      or anyone
      or should




      The smoke is thickening

      it’s hard to discern the way forward

      wondering if there is any part of *you* left

      after giving

      and giving

      and giving…

      There’s something heavier than lead weighing you down.  A sigh from the deeps.  Eyelids hover heavy.

      Just there.  A faint flicker…                             

      Ember 4

      We are facing an endemic of burnout among historically underrepresented and excluded identities.

      When we reach out…if we reach out…

      Society chimes in with a chorus of “do more self care!”

      but here’s the thing

      Burnout is a systemic wound and systemic harm cannot be tended by the self alone.

      We need collective care.

      Its Time To Quench Your Burnout 3

                  You deserve

                a space of respite, replenishing, and renewal.


      A note from our founder:

      I’m alchemizing my 15+ years as a complex systems-trauma specialist and my 25+ years as a leader, organizer and space-holder to present a transformative, neuroinclusive, and liberatory guided process addressing burnout.

      Burnout is spreading like wild-fire and my pattern-recognition brain is seeing the matrix of it all.

      We are losing too many brilliant, innovative, intersectional, change-makers to the physical and psychological dangers of systemic burnout.

      I have to respond.

      Holding space to process and move through the experience in a psychologically safer, lived-experience-centered, neuroinclusive environment is what I have to offer.

      The medicinal “me too”s that come with collective tending are what I have to offer.

      Deep listening, strategizing, witnessing is what I have to offer.

      Ember 3

      I chose the imagery of an ember because even when all seems destroyed and devastated


      there remains

      a glowing ember.

      And with some tending, the right environment, more oxygen

      a spark reignites.


      Ember is not a cure for burnout.

      It is a space for you to be heard, be witnessed, be tended.


      You don’t have to be strong here.

      You don’t have to carry anyone else here.

      You get to just….be.

      Our Summer 2024 Cohort is Open for Enrollment!


      🎯This is for you if:

          • You are 35 years and older
          • You embody any historically excluded & underrepresented identities including and not limited to: LGBTQIA2S, trans, nonbinary, gender expansive, gender non-conforming, neurodivergent, disabled, women, Black, Indigenous, Palestinian, AANHPI, SWANA, folx of the global majority
          • You are a Healer, Organizer, Activist, Social Worker, Therapist Leader, Director, Executive, C-Suite, Dean, Professor, etc.

      🫂The program is a 3-month cohort structure including:

          • Eight (8) deep listening 1-on-1 sessions
          • 10 collective care circles with your cohort (live virtually)
          • Quench – a burnout process journal
          • Access to weekly body doubling/co-working sessions
          • Private online community


          • 1-2 hours/week live sessions
          • Filling out burnout inventory and end-of-program feedback survey
          • $1,979 in full or 3 payments of $660
            • Limited scholarship spots available
            • Other payment plan options available 
      🌻Return on Your Investment:
          • Co-creating an intersectional and neuroinclusive safer space (anti-oppression, decolonizing, somatic abolitionist, disability justice)
          • Building community through collective care
          • Strategies for reducing future burnout occurances
          • Coaching support around business & professional accommodations and strategy (ie: pricing; delegating; and capacity management) in order to build a more sustainable life
          • An intentional space to experience tending and transformation

      It’s your turn.

      Jennifer Alumbaugh, MS – she/they is a late-identified Autistic-ADHDer with a collection of learning differences and other neurodivergences.  They are a queer, fat, gender expansive femme, with dynamic disabilities experiencing the world in a white body including the advantages that brings.  Jennifer is in a continual practice of dismantling systems of oppression by deconstructing internalized ableism and colonizer white supremacy.  Their work is rooted in the emancipatory and decolonized teachings of Black and Indigenous people as they contribute to co-creating collective liberation.

      Jennifer is also a retired (divested) licensed complex systems-trauma therapist of 15 years who uses their systems analysis, pattern recognition, and innovative thinking to help businesses and organizations build more neuroinclusive and accessible workplaces where neurodivergent and disabled employees can thrive.

      [image description: photo of Jennifer in a black shirt with the text: “Drink water, Love hard, Fight racism.”  They are wearing teal glasses and a red bandana and are looking at the camera with a subtle smile.  They stand in front of a blue-teal-black galaxy tapestry.]

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