This exercise takes about 20-30 minutes to complete.
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FREE Download & Exercise

What makes you stand apart?

What unique strengths do you bring to the table?

Use this exercise (either online or download a printable copy) to help you reflect, explore, name and explain 5 strengths that you specifically bring to your work & life.

This question is something clients, employers, and customers want to know when they have their choice of coach, therapist, practitioner, candidate: “Why should I work with you over anyone else?”

These are also great things to discuss with colleagues, partners, family members, and friends as a way to understand more about how you can work together from a strengths place to communicate, accomplish tasks, and problem solve.

This idea was born out of my decision to add a component to my website called, “5 Ways you can Put my Amazing Autistic ADHD Brain to Work for You” as a way to

    • Model a strengths-based and expansive mindset,
    • Model a neurodivergent-affirming view of self and others, and
    • Inspire other people to #FindYourFive by surfacing your strengths
    • Especially empower Neurodivergent people to use this as a way to shift the cultural narrative around how people perceive Autistics, ADHDers and other Neurodivergent folx.


This exercise is a tool for your own reflection.  It is not meant to be a test that configures a strengths profile for you.  This exercise is based on my 15 years of working with people and assisting them to see the strengths and assets they already possess and to leverage those for better job fit, better communication, better boundaries, and better life satisfaction.

© 2022 Expansive Expressions – This exercise is for individual, personal, use and is not to be copied or distributed without explicit written consent from Jennifer Alumbaugh, MS.  For licensing options contact

Invest in a Find Your Five 1:1 Coaching Intensive

Book a 2-hour, one-on-one, #FindYourFive coaching intensive with Jennifer now! 

During your session you will get to go over the exercise together; process your responses; get feedback on your strengths; surface any resistance or blocks to believing in your own strengths; explore ways to use this information; and begin drafting strengths copy to use in your bios, websites, and marketing.

Find Your Five 1:1 Coaching Intensive (2 hours) is $555 –  Claim your spot today!

What clients are saying about the #FindYourFive #SurfaceYourStrengths exercise & 1:1 coaching sessions.

“I enjoyed it and found it thought provoking.  It helped me see that I have more strengths, or rather the strengths I did notice apply in so many more aspects of life/work.”


“I learned that the care and compassion I bring to the table and my ability to engage with hard things for others is actually a strength.


“I realized that some of the things that I have been criticized for in the past, might actually be assets. I have never followed the status quo and it has cause a lot of heartache for me in the past. I am learning that maybe not thinking like everyone else is a strength.”

-Cyndee Oswald

It was helpful and gave me words to convey things I didn’t recognize were unique strengths of mine.”


“I found it easy to complete and think through. I liked how it was presented in positives and strengths based vs negative.  This was a great tool!”


“Your analysis & feedback were definitely on target (strikingly so).  Thank you so much for your exercise and individual analysis; now I have a stronger sense of my assets!” 

-Sunny Wells, Ph.D Higher education

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