Liberate Your Mindset
a 6-day Mindset Cleanse to start your 2023 with a fresh, grounded, and empowered mindset!

Live Daily Coaching
Daily Mindset Practices
Exclusive Online Community
Expansive Transformation
Liberate Your Mindset is for…
…the person tired of the clutter of mind trash bullying them and getting in their way of building a life they love.
…those who have been crushed under the pressure of perfection, leaving them paralyzed with inaction.
…anyone with scarcity scars keeping them feeling unworthy of being paid what they are worth.
…those who look at the circle of business besties around them and don’t see authentic alignment in those relationships.
…anyone who has ever found themself violating their own values just to keep up with workplace demands, social expectations, or marketing trends.
…the person who ends up betraying themself with doubt, second guessing, and following others rather than their own inner compass and wisdom.
…anyone who has the question, “what’s wrong with me” running on a loop like a broken record.
Liberate Your Mindset VIP Package
100 VIP Tickets Available through December 31, 2022. Investment beginning January 1, 2023 is $527
- Investment: $395 with code NEUROVIP at checkout
- 6 Hours of Live Mindset Liberation Coaching January 16 – 21, 2023
- 3 VIP BONUS Hours of Live Mindset Liberation Workshopping during LYM2023 week
- Swag box of goodies mailed to you, curated by Jennifer
- December early access to exclusive online community
- Daily mindset exercises during challenge week
- Live sessions recorded and available for replay in online community
- Continued community, recordings, and materials access after LYM2023 week
All of this live coaching time, exercises, swag, and exclusive community is a value of over $3,500 and I am making this available to you THIS WEEK for a STEAL OF A DEAL: $395.25 (with coupon code discount).
Each day we will discuss the 6 Barriers to a Liberated Mindset and how to overcome them. You will also receive daily mindset exercises for you to engage in these practices:
- Bullying Beliefs
- Permission & Perfection
- Scarcity Scars
- Unaligned Relationships
- Violated Values
- Self-Betrayal
Live coaching sessions will take place at 11:30am CST – 1pm CST. Click here for a handy time zone converter to help with scheduling.
What is your current mindset costing you?
Promotions at work
Negotiating a raise
Launching that business or project that’s been in your heart for years
Unaligned relationships
Time and energy on people and activities that do not serve your joy
The confidence to set your fees according to the value you provide
The courage to leave an unhealthy workplace
Enormous amounts of energy pleasing others while neglecting your needs and desires
What is it worth to you to learn how to stop leaving opportunities, easefulness, and money on the table?
What will you have room for when the mind-trash of toxic system messaging of our society is cleared out?
Liberate Your Mindset :: General Admission
After VIP sells out or January 1 – January 16, 2023
- $527
- 6 Hours of Live Mindset Liberation Coaching January 16 – 21, 2023
- Daily mindset exercises during challenge week
- Live sessions recorded and available for replay in online community
- Live coaching sessions will take place from 11:30am – 12:30pm CST
- Exclusive Online community
Click here for a handy time zone converter to help with scheduling.