Jennifer Alumbaugh, MS
Expansive Mindset Coach
Expansive Mindset Coaching Methodology
I’ve honed a methodology over the past 25 years informed by my past work as a complex trauma specialist, out of my own anti-oppression learning & unlearning, by my lived experiences, inspired by my teachers and mentors, and rooted in my primal longing for justice, equity, accessibility, and liberation for all!
Much like the spiral at the center of this graphic, the Expansive Mindset Coaching journey I take with clients is not linear, but more like a spiral staircase: we come back around to practices, but never in exactly the same place–we know different things, we *are* different, we become a little more ourselves with each revolution.
Six Practices of Expansive Mindset Coaching
Click on any of the Six Practices below for a more in-depth blog about each one.
This methodology is at the core of all the coaching work I do with 1:1 and groups. We move through these practices and return to them as a way of grounding ourselves in a Liberated Mindset.
“But if you’re all about the collective, why is the focus on liberation of self?”
This is such an important question and I love when people ask me about it!
Yes! The ultimate goal is the liberation of all people and building circles of care. To get there, each of us have our own liberation work to do first to address the trauma, the wounds, and the false narratives that block us from true freedom.
If we skip doing our own work, then we can risk continuing systemic harm while doing the work of collective liberation–even if unintentional.
While I do intensive work with coaching clients 1-on-1, I also have a variety of collective circles that go with most packages where clients may connect and practice all of this in the company of others in a kind of “incubator” environment.
Many of my clients feel more confident about doing collective liberation work out in the community once they’ve done their inner work and had a chance to practice in a brave space with others.
The Lineage of my Methodology
There are so many people and books that have brought me to where I am today in my practices, growth, learning, and becoming. Without them, none of this work would be possible, and not all of the healing work I’ve done would have been done. This is a living document, a work in progress, and most definitely not an exhaustive list, and still it is an attempt to show who and where I come from, and in doing so, honor with deepest gratitude my teachers and mentors.
I come from Tia Chucha’s Centro Cultural, one of the most formative communities and places of my life. I come from Trini and Luis Rodriguez, soul parents, mentors, guides, and friends. I come from the Tongva lands, the mountains and ocean and sage bundles that formed me.
I learn from the teachers: Patrisse Cullors, adrienne maree brown, Audre Lorde, bell hooks, Robert Jones, Jr., Sonya Renee Taylor, Renee Linklater, Ibram X Kendi, Resmaa Menakem, Kelly Diels, Alice Wong, Dr. S. H. Moon, Tiffy Hammond, Melody Li & Inclusive Therapists, Lindley Ashlin, Kina Reed, J Mase III, Geo Soctomah Neptune, Imani Barbarin, KC Davis, Ijeoma Oluo, Sonny Jane Wise, Tabitha Brown, Kimberlé W. Crenshaw
Who are you learning from?
Who are you watching?
How are they influencing your mindset?
I listen to the poets: ire’ne lara silva, Rosalilia Mendoza, Kristy Lovich, Saddiq Granger, DeShauna Hollie, Sammy Quetzalli, Ceasar K. Avelar, Edward Vidaurre, Vincent Cooper, Viktoria Valenzuela, Audrey Kelley, Liz Ligawa, Katie Gordon, Becky Fox, Sasha, Maya Chincilla, Chiwan Choi, Andrea Gibson, nayyirah waheed, Mary Lambert, Mary Oliver, Xitlalic Guijosa, Sha’rol Henning, jo reyes boitel
I watch the artists, the musicians, the storytellers creating culture
I consult Trees, Wind, and Ocean they are my wise counsel