Dear Expansioneers,
Over the past 25 years, I have honed a methodology informed by my past work as a complex trauma specialist, out of my own anti-oppression learning & unlearning, by my lived experiences, inspired by my teachers and mentors, and rooted in my primal longing for justice, equity, accessibility, and liberation for all!
Much like the spiral at the center of this graphic, the Intersectional Mindset Coaching journey I take with clients is not linear. This journey is more like a spiral staircase: we come back around to practices, but never in exactly the same place.
We know different things, we are different, we become a little more ourselves with each revolution.

As with all things, this is a living, dynamic, ideology continually evolving as I learn and become in my own liberation.
I walk through each of these practices all of my Intersectional Mindset Coaching clients:
- Deconstruct False Narratives
- Give Permission
- Embrace Abundance
- Build Circles of Care
- Integrate Justice
- Trust Yourself
Click on any of the Six Practices of Intersectional Mindset Coaching above for an in depth exploration.
So what is Intersectional Mindset Coaching anyway?
How is it any different from other Mindset Coaching?
When my clients shift their mindset off the belief of “internal brokenness” to “systems are actively working against your flourishing,” a tremendous weight of shame is lifted and they can get on with the work of being their incredible, creative, badass selves. It is a glorious sight to see!

I’m so glad you asked!
Intersectional Mindset Coaching is Mindset Coaching done through a lens of naming and understanding the bullying believes created by toxic systems that are at the root of a client’s self doubt, impostor syndrome, and feelings of unworthiness that keep them from living fully vibrant, abundance, and thriving lives.
When we name that villain – Oppressive Systems – we can work to fight against it, instead of fighting against ourselves.
I get to tell my clients, “You are not failing. These systems failed you.”
“You are not too much. These systems told you these lies.”
“You absolutely are worthy of rest. These systems tell you that your worth is connected to what you produce.”
When my clients shift their mindset off the belief of “internal brokenness” to “systems are actively working against your flourishing,” a tremendous weight of shame is lifted and they can get on with the work of being their incredible, creative, badass selves. It is a glorious sight to see!
What do you think? Are you ready to get rid of some shame baggage and get started on making BIG things happen in your life? If your curiosity is piqued, let’s set up a FREE 20min curiosity call today!